What is KOTATSU?
Kotatsu is traditional Japanese heating appliance which consists of a low table with heater, a blanket, and an upper tabletop. Inside of Kotatsu is heated, and people place their legs under it while sitting on the floor.
Komorian has a Kotatsu room so that you can watch TV enjoying Kotatsu.
Kotatsu used to be a main mode of heating for winter in Japan. Every house used to have kotatsu. When weather got cold, family members gatherd in one room where kotastu was situated, and ate and watched TV and chatted together.
Now people prefer air conditioner because there is no space to keep this thick and heavy kotatsu futon inside the western style houses they live. So home having kotatsu is getting less and less.
However, Kotatsu need less energy than AC, really good for the enviroment. Please try this Japanese tradithinal heating system at Komorian!