2 nights 3 days
Below is sample itineraries of 2 nights 3 days stay at Komorian. 2 nights 3 days itineraries are popular among Kumano Kodo hikers, but can be a little bit tough for beginners.
Standard 1
[Takijiri → Takahara]
[Takahara → Tsugizakura]
[Tsugizakura → Hongu]
🏔 🏔 🏔 : suitable for well trained hikers
Many guide books introduce and encourage hikers to stay overnight in Takahara Area for the 1st night and then in Tsugizakura (Nonaka) Area for the 2nd night, and then walk all the way to Hongu Area. This is because it’s difficult to find a place to stay after passing Tsugizakura before reaching Hongu Area.
This itinerary is not for beginners especially the DAY 3. Because you will be required to wake up early and to walk not easy route whole day.
Walk Takijiri-oji → Takahara
<2 to 3 hours walk>
Steep uphill on the first half
Have or buy lunch before taking local bus,
Take local bus to Takijiri with luggage,
Deposit luggage to our shuttle car at Takijiri,
Walk to Takahara Kiri-no-sato rest area,
Collected at the Takahara rest area,
Check in and stay at Komorian.
Walk Takahara → Tsugizakura-oji
<6 to 8 hours walk>
Includes uphill, last half of the route is paved and flat.
Shuttled to the Takahara rest area,
Walk to Tsugizakura-oji,
(Have lunch at a restaurant in Michi-no-Eki Nakahechi,
or have Komorian Lunch Box on the trail,)
Collected near Tsugizakura-oji,
Stay at Komorian.
Walk Tsugizakura → Hongu Taisha
<8 to 10 hours walk>
Continuously hilly before passing Hosshinmon.
Pack the luggage to be transported,
Check out Komorian,
Shuttled to near Tsugizakura-oji,
Walk to Hongu Taisha (or Oyunohara),
(Have Komorian Lunch Box on the trail,)
Further walk or take bus to Onsen Area,
Stay at any Onsen Inn around.
※Luggage will arrive in the same day.
💡If you would like to collect all the stamp for the Dual Pilgrim, and in the same time, you would like to shortcut the trail, you can be picked up near the stamp location of “Hidehira-zakura cherry tree”, and start walking from “Doyukawa-bashi” on the next day. This way, you can save about 4km.
If you have your own walking plan particularly besides above, please let us know from CONTACT or UPON BOOKING.
Standard 2
[Takijiri → Takahara]
[Takahara → Kobiro-oji]
[Kobiro-oji → Hongu Taisha]
🏔 🏔 : suitable for average hikers
This itinerary enables you to divide the distance to walk on DAY 2 and DAY 3 equally, so that you can shorten the DAY 3’s distance. Yet, this itinerary is not easy for beginners, however, worth to try.
Walk Takijiri-oji → Takahara
<2 to 3 hours walk>
Steep uphill on the first half
Have or buy lunch before taking local bus,
Take local bus to Takijiri with luggage,
Deposit luggage to our shuttle car at Takijiri,
Walk to Takahara Kiri-no-sato rest area,
Collected at the Takahara rest area,
Check in and stay at Komorian.
Walk Takahara → Kobiro-oji
<7 to 9 hours walk>
Includes uphill, last half of the route is paved and flat.
Shuttled to the Takahara rest area,
Walk to Kobiro-oji (or “Log Bridge”),
(Have lunch at a restaurant in Michi-no-Eki Nakahechi,
or have Komorian Lunch Box on the trail,)
Collected near Kobiro-oji (or Doyukawa-bashi),
Stay at Komorian.
Walk Kobiro-oji → Hongu Taisha
<7 to 9 hours walk>
Continuously hilly before passing Hosshinmon.
Pack the luggage to be transported,
Check out Komorian,
Shuttled to near Kobiro-oji (or Doyukawa-bashi),
Walk to Hongu Taisha (or Oyunohara),
(Have Komorian Lunch Box on the trail,)
Further walk or take bus to Onsen Area,
Stay at any Onsen Inn around.
※Luggage will arrive in the same day.
If you have your own walking plan particularly besides above, please let us know from CONTACT or UPON BOOKING.
[No walk]
[Takijiri → Chikatsuyu]
[Chikatsuyu → Hongu Taisha]
🏔 🏔 🏔 : suitable for well traind hikers
In the case well experienced hikers have no time to hike on the 1st day, this itinerary enables you to save time so you can complete the whole route of Nakahechi Main Route (the first half of Nakahechi route).
No walk
Take local bus to Takijiri with luggage,
Collected at Takijiri,
Check in and stay at Komorian.
Walk Takijiri-oji → Chikatsuyu/Nonaka Area
<more than 8 hours walk>
Includes all the kinds like uphill, downhill, paved and flat.
Shuttled to Takijiri-oji,
Walk to Chikatsuyu/Nonaka Area,
(Stop by a lunch restaurant on the Takahara Area)
Collected in Chikatsuyu/Nonaka Area including Tsugizakura, Kobiro and Doyukawa)
Stay at Komorian.
Walk Chikatsuyu/Nonaka Area → Hongu Taisha
Includes all the kinds like uphill, downhill, paved and flat.
Pack the luggage to be transported,
Check out Komorian,
Shuttled to Chikatsuyu Area
Walk to Hongu Taisha (or Oyunohara),
(Have Komorian Lunch Box on the trail,)
Further walk or take bus to Onsen Area,
Stay at any Onsen Inn around.
※Luggage will arrive in the same day.
If you have your own walking plan particularly besides above, please let us know from CONTACT or UPON BOOKING.
Easy and peaceful
[Takijiri → Takahara]
[Michi-no-Eki → Kobiro-oji]
[Hosshinmon-oji → Hongu Taisha]
🏔 : suitable for beginners
This itinerary enables you ENJOY the Kumano Kodo walking. Instead, it’s not possible to collect the stamps to meet the requirements for Dual Pilgrim.
Walk Takijiri → Takahara
<2 to 3 hours walk>
Steep uphill on the first half
Have or buy lunch before taking local bus,
Take local bus to Takijiri with luggage,
Deposit luggage to our shuttle car at Takijiri,
Walk to Takahara Kiri-no-sato rest area,
Collected at the Takahara rest area,
Check in and stay at Komorian.
Walk Michi-no-Eki → Kobiro-oji
<2.5 to 3.5 hours walk>
Most of the route is paved and flat.
Shuttled to the Michi-no-Eki,
Walk to Kobiro-oji,
(Have lunch at a restaurant in Chikatsuyu village,)
Collected near Kobiro-oji,
Stay at Komorian.
Walk Hosshinmon-oji → Hongu Taisha
<2 to 3 hours walk>
Most of the route is flat or downhill.
Pack the luggage to be transported,
Check out Komorian,
Shuttled to Hosshinmon-oji,
Walk to Hongu Taisha (or Oyunohara),
(Have lunch at a restaurant in Hongu Area,)
Further walk or take bus to Onsen Area,
Stay at any Onsen Inn around.
※Luggage will arrive in the same day.
If you have your own walking plan particularly besides above, please let us know from CONTACT or UPON BOOKING.