Announcement & Confirmation

updated : 2024 October 19th

◆ Confirmation Status on

About the booking requests made through, the requests displayed below have been already confirmed by Komorian side.
The first reply from the agency will take 2-3 weeks now.
Thank you for your pacience.

  • 2024/11/21 FL
  • 2024/12/02 KJ
  • 2024/12/14 AM
  • 2024/12/19 WG
  • 2025/02/09 KC
  • 2025/02/20 GC
  • 2025/03/28 RK

* Please do not try to double book another accommodation while waiting for the reply from Kumano-travel.
I can totally understand the extreme delay is the one to blame, but, this kind of double booking are causing chaos among accommodations in this rural small area.
We are also being patient for it… Let’s be patient together…(-“-)

◆ Availability Calendar for next spring

We started to accept new bookings for next peak season (March, April, May and June in 2025)
We will add new offering “Without Meals PKG” shortly.

Booking Procedure

We updated the booking procedure. You can check the detail from “Reservation procedure” at FAQs.

◆ Child Guest

In the case your group includes any kids under 12 years old, there are a few things that we have to let you know for kid’s safety. Please include the information of kids such as age and/or disease (if any) in the booking questionnaire, which you will recieve after sending “booking request”.

◆ Dietary request

About any group that has any dietary restriction, we start to accept booking as below

  •  March, April, May and June of 2025 : from 15th Oct of 2024
  •  Septemper, October and November of 2025 : from 1st May of 2025.

※ The ingredients which can be eliminated are MEAT (and broth) and RAW FISH (sashimi) ONLY.
※ Any other ingredients such as FISH (and broth), SHELLFISH (and broth), GLUTEN, DAIRY PROCUCTS or EGG cannot be eliminated.
※ We cannot accommodate any restriction on the ground of allergy, intolerance or any other physical problem.

This house is almost run by one person, who is not a native English speaker. While peak seasons, the host is quite busy to take care of the day’s guests, and can’t have any spare time to check, one group by one group, if any special dietary demand is accommodatable. That’s why we decided to limit our service and booking periods for dietary request/restriction. Thank you for your understanding.

◆ 1 night stay

Date for 1 night stay is available only on Kumano Travel or Airbnb.

◆ Guests visiting from Facebook (META) pages.

We are very happy that many new guests are visiting this web site directly from a Facebook pages about Kumano Kodo. However, our service is changing timely according to guest’s need and operational efficiency of the business. Please check our website carefully before sending your booking request. Thank you.

2024 1/28

◆ お電話でのお問合せ



2023 10/1

◆ インボイスについて

